First off... The iPod. I'm not sure I am exaggerating when I say that the iPod is my most favorite invention of the 21st century. I have owned 5 iPods in 4 years. 2 shuffles (1 was lost in the "shuffle" of a move), 1 iPod mini (sold to an iPod needing friend), one video iPod (I still own it) and of course my beloved iPhone. I am a music hoard. I love music so, so much and having it all on one little machine was my dream come true. I was the kid on the airplane flying back and forth to Hawaii from Colorado carrying around a Case Logic CD case with way too many CD's crammed inside. I had my Discman and was armed with extra batteries all the time. I always had to have ALL of my music with me wherever I went. It didn't matter if I was going to ride the bus for 5 minutes, all of my music was coming with me. Then the iPod came into my life.
When I ordered it online 4 and a half years ago I tracked it as it made it's way to my door. Taiwan, Hong Kong, LA, Memphis, back to LA then Honolulu and then to little Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii. Oh, how I waited for the FedEx guy to arrive. I spent all week loading all of my CD's into my computer so that when my first iPod finally arrived I would be ready to download all of my music and be on my merry way! Somewhere in my life I still have a bagillion CDs waiting for the resurrection of the Discman.
I now have my shuffle for running, my video iPod kicking it in the dock ready for a listen at anytime and my iPhone that has all of my current favorites on it. I was driving to Tahoe this weekend listening to my iPhone on shuffle realizing my emotions as each song came on. One song would come on that I would start to sing along with and belt it out like I just one American Idol. Another song would come on and I would remember a hard time in life. I love the shuffle function on the iPod because it's a walk down memory lane. My iPods bring me such joy, or better, the contents on my iPods bring me great joy. For this invention I am deeply grateful. Steve Jobs you have won my heart.
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